Today, many people are endeavouring to lose weight. Some do it for the sole purpose of keeping themselves fit. Others do it for health considerations. It is good to note that there are various ways on how to achieve your weight loss goal. One thing you can consider is through acupuncture. How does this method aid with weight loss? Here are specific answers to these questions.
Acupuncture should be used in line with lifestyle changes
You have to take note that acupuncture can help you lose weight if you do it in accordance with willingness to change your lifestyle. Those acupuncture needles will be inserted into specific points in the body where it can help not only to specifically address weight loss but for you to be able to have an easier time to deal with weight gain causes – from eating fattening foods to stress, anxiety and frustration. As these specific causes are addressed, you should be more than willing to embrace the change.
Consultation is a must
Acupuncture will never be effective for weight loss unless you consult an expert acupuncturist. When you do, you should be ready to discuss a lot of things that may have been causing you to gain weight. You should be willing to answer questions related to overeating patterns and be ready to let the acupuncturist know if you are experiencing digestive difficulties. The acupuncturist, on the other hand, will assess your condition to know where the trouble comes from.
Prepare yourself for the treatment plan
Acupuncture treatment plans vary from one patient to another. The acupuncturist will devise the plan depending on your weight loss goals and the rate with which you want to lose weight. They can also consider your commitment to the weight loss plan. Usually, treatment will be given for five days if you have been overeating severely in the past. For those wanting to lose at least five pounds, seeking acupuncture treatment at least once every three days will be important. In any of these cases, booster treatments that need to be done weekly will be recommended after you have achieved your weight loss goal.
Nutritional counselling is a crucial part of the treatment plan
Every weight loss program, whether with the aid of acupuncture or not, will only be effective if you are willing to undergo nutritional counselling. This is crucial in order for you to plan your diet regimen very well. You have to understand that the diet is not a short-term part of the weight loss goal. You have to be willing to maintain it over the long term. Usually, a diet high in fibre and consequently low in fat will be recommended. You will also be required to take in low-density carbohydrates in moderate amounts. Nutritional counselling with acupuncture will prevent you from having to regain the weight you have lost during the course of the treatment.
Stress reduction and exercise are also important
As mentioned awhile back, acupuncture works best with lifestyle changes. Part of the lifestyle change is reducing your daily stressors and doing some exercise. Stress reduction methods are often recommended by the acupuncturist and may include anything from meditation and yoga to breathing exercises, biofeedback and even Tai Chi. Any of these methods will be customised according to your weight loss goals.
Exercise is also part of the treatment plan. You can use an exercise machine or take simple brisk walks every other day for 40 minutes each day. With any of your exercise choices, you and the acupuncturist can decide if it will be good to elevate the exercise program further.
Acupuncture will only be effective when it comes to helping you lose weight if you follow what has been mentioned above. For more about how it can help improve your life’s goals, give us a call as we provide acupuncture in Toronto.