Acne scars can be a horrible reminder of the days when pimples and other eruptions would clog the face. Usually experienced by teenagers, some adults can also develop acne. But while the condition does fade away in time, it is the scars that can be difficult to remove which is why knowing what your options are can help.

Laser treatment: Laser treatment offers a safe method of acne scar removal. It takes about 20 minutes to perform, causes no damage to the skin and doesn’t require anaesthesia. However, not every skin type is eligible for laser treatment as people with sensitive skin can experience irritation. Another drawback to this treatment option is that it can be expensive.

Dermabrasion: Dermabrasion is the wearing away of the skin with a high-speed brush, sandpaper or other instruments. The sloughing off of the problem areas is done to reveal the underlying layer of skin that is smoother than the top layer.

Chemical peels: Chemical peels are an acne and fine wrinkle removal procedure that involves applying a chemical to the skin which lets the outer layer blister and slough off.

Skin grafts: Skin grafting is the placing of a small piece of skin to an affected area. This procedure works best for pitted acne scars where depressions left on the skin can be unsightly. The skin graft is harvested from behind the ear.